Bhoor Bhuvaha Swaha Tat Savitur Vareniyam Bhargo Devasya
Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat"
Mantra is a Mantra(vedic hymn) which inspires righteous wisdom. Its meaning
is.."May the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect which may lead
us to righteous path". This is the most important teaching. All the problems
of a person are solved if he is endowed with the gift of righteous wisdom.
Having been endowed with far sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled
in calamity nor does he tread wrong path. Righteous wisdom starts emerging
as soon as a methodical recitation of this Mantra is performed. Gayatri
is a Sanskrit word. Ga means to sing. Yatri means protection. Gayatri
is not a new or independent goddess. She is the supreme power (Shakti)
of Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Rama and Krishna.
Gayatri means those who "worship her, get protected". "Mantra" is a scientifically
composed verse in Sanskrit language, mostly in two lines with specific
information for invocation of divine powers, Mantra is defined as a 'Man
tarati san Mantrah' meaning .... which uplifts and protects one is Mantra.
Secondly it is a combination of letters which are sounds, or an arrangement
of words with specific spiritual potentialities.
these potentialities unfold themselves in the physical body as a result
of awakening the power centers in the body because of the sound waves
released by the repetition of the letters of the Mantra. The real power
of Mantra lies hidden, and is in the form of syllables which is awakened
by uttering the Mantra repeatedly.
Mantra contains powers and deep philosophical meaning and its singing
reapeatedly benefits mental, physical, and spiritual health. The above
mentioned Gayatri Mantra when translated means, "O God, Thou art the giver
of life, the remover of pain and sorrow, the bestower of happiness; O
Creator of the Universe, may we receive thy supreme, sin-destroying light;
may Thou guide our intellect in the right direction."
meaning of each word is as follows - OM (Almighty God), BHOOR (embodiment
of vital or spiritual energy), BHUVAHA (Destroyer of suffering) SWAHA(Embodiment
of happiness), TAT (That; indicating God), SAVITUR (Bright, luminous,
like sun), VARENIYAM (Supreme, the best),BHARGO (Destroyer of sins),
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DHEEMAHI(May receive), DHIYO (intellect), YO(Who), NAHA(Our), PRACHODAYAT(May
inspire) Om stands for "The Almighty God". He pervades in all the worlds
viz. Bhulo-lok, bhuvah-lok and swah-lok. He is omnipresent.
All this Creation. World, universe or cosmos is physical manifestation
of God who pervades in each and every particle. That I am seeing Him everywhere.
I should always remain aloof from evil thoughts and evil deeds and perform
true worship of God by extending cooperation in promoting happiness, peace
and beauty in this Universe which is His creation.
This(tat) i.e: God is extremely bright(savitur) choicest (vareniyam) devoid
of sin (bhargo) and divine(devasya). I am assimilating such God within
me, in my conscience,. By such assimilation, I am also becoming bright,
virtuous, sinless and divine. Every moment these virtues are developing
in all the pores and particles of my mind, brain and body.
I am becoming one with these virtues, these characteristics of God. That
God may inspire (prachodayat) our(nah) intellect (dhiyo) and lead us on
the righteous path. May our intellect become pious. May he lead us to
righteous path. On getting the righteous wisdom we may be able to enjoy
celestial bliss in this life and make our life successful. We should contemplate
and meditate on these three determinations slowly and gradually pausing
for a moment on each word and an imaginary picture of that word should
be drawn in the mind.
man gets enriched in divine elements by contemplating and meditating on
this meaning of Gayatri. These sentiments are extremely powerful, encouraging,
righteous and elevating. One should contemplate these feelings daily for
some time. By such contemplation, the meaning of Gayatri Mantra is fully
assimilated in the heart of the person.
The result is that in a few days his mind gets diverted from evil deeds
and he starts taking enthusiastic joy in righteous thinking and good actions.
Howsoever little this tendency maybe in the beginning, it is almost certain
that if it persists, the innerself of sadhak becomes spiritually advanced
day by day and ultimate aim of life appears to have come closer and closer.
As mentioned by Sri Sriram Sharma Acharya."The
Gayatri Mantra does not belong to any particular sect of
worship. It is not restricted to any community. It is Universal.
It contains in it the culture not of any particular society,
but the culture of humanity. The Gayatri Mantra is a treasure
and heritage that belongs to the whole of humanity without