  GEMS OF LIFE 23-6-2001 
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An early morning, before sunrise, a fisherman went to a river. Near the bank he felt something under his feet and found it to be a small sack of stones. He picked up the sack and putting aside his net squatted on the bank awaiting sunrise. He was waiting for daylight to break so as to start the day's work. Lazily, he picked a stone from the bag and threw it in the water. 'Plop' came the sound. He mused over it and cast another stone. In the absence of anything else to do he kept throwing away the stone one by one... Slowly,slowly the sun rose. There was light. By that time he had flung all the stones except one. The last stone was in his palm. His heart almost failed him when by daylight, he saw what was in his palm. It was a gem! In the darkness he had thrown away plenty like them. What all had he lost unknowingly! Full of remorse he cursed himself, sobbed, cried and was almost out of his mind with grief. Accidentally he had encountered a mass of wealth which could have enriched his life many times over. But in the darkness and unknowingly he had lost it . Yet in a way he was fortunate that still a gem was left because light had dawned before he threw away the last 'stone'

Life is a blessing, a gem. In our misunderstanding and waiting for a better life- it's presence is always thrown off. This fact is discovered at the end, when a sense of helplessness arises. No amount of repentance can bring it back. The wealth which is with us is not for wasting. Unknowingly, whatever has happened cannot be changed. Consciously, now let us rediscover the richness within us. Life is to be lived now fully, not as a curse. Let us live in this moment enjoying and sharing the blessing because still all is not lost.

Happiness is right now.

Contributed by : vandemataram

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