 Health 4-7-2001 
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Someone says I am healthy,
Someone says I am unhealthy.
Now how does one define health?
That's the big question.
Health is the experience of nobody.
If you have a headache,
Then you know you have a head.
If you have a stomach ache,
Then you realize you have a stomach.
When you have no-ache, You also forget that you have a body. Everything seems to work perfectly, automatically. May be billions of functions working miraculously. Your inhaling ,your exhaling , Your heart beat, your blood moving, Your digestion, your purification, Your thinking, your emotions, All working just in perfect harmony. Without you every knowing about it. Without you knowing the existence of your body.
This is health! The experience of nobody The experiences of nobodiness When you are some 'body', You are in ill health. When you are in somebodyness, You are in ill-health.
Somebodyness means thinking that I am a doctor, I am an engineer I am a father, I am a husband I am mother, I am a wife. I am a general manager, I am a director I am,I am....is somebodiness. Somebodiness is disease, Nobodiness is health. SAMADHI is a state of 'nobodiness' SAMADHI is HEALTH.
Contributed by : Amrut Vivek